Shipping & Handling

Shipping & Handling

Orders will be shipped using either UPS or FedEx delivery service for domestic orders.

Standard Shipping - Orders usually arrive within 3-4 business days from the shipped date, excluding holidays. Please allow 3-4 days handling time.

Once your order has been shipped, we will email you a shipping confirmation with the tracking number.

Refused or Undeliverable Packages

Any package that is refused or undeliverable will be subject to a return fee of $10.

 If you choose to not have the package re-delivered, we will credit you the cost of purchase, minus the shipping. Also a restocking fee of 10% will be deducted. 

International Shipping 

At this time we do not support international shipping. But we do look forward to servicing you in the future.

Free Shipping

Free shipping applies to orders over $60.


We do our best to ensure you receive your package on time. But on rare occasions, your package may arrive outside of the estimated timeframe. Please be mindful that we are only provided with an estimated delivery date from our carriers.